Stained Glass Restoration

A Guide to Antique Home Stained Glass Repair in Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City embraces its historical roots, a sentiment echoed in the antique homes that grace its neighborhoods, adorned with mesmerizing stained glass windows. These time-honored masterpieces, rich in color and design, offer a glimpse into Salt Lake City's illustrious past, contributing to our city's distinct architectural landscape.  A Unique Blend...


Does Your Salt Lake City Property Need Dalle De Verre Restoration?

Dalle de verre, or 'slab glass,' is a unique and captivating form of glass art. If your Salt Lake City property features these vibrant pieces, you understand their historical and aesthetic significance. However, over time, dalle de verre can deteriorate and lose its charm. At Stained Glass Salt Lake City,...

stained glass conservation salt lake city

Featured Project: Stained Glass Conservation for Hopewell Church

Recently, we have been focusing more of our efforts on stained glass conservation. In Salt Lake City, there are a number of historic stained glass windows that are old enough to be antiques. If these windows are not restored, it's unlikely that they'll survive in the future. Right now, we...


Reasons to Restore Your Historical Commercial Stained Glass in the New Year

Stained glass is often found in religious structures like churches, but it was actually a popular style for many different types of buildings at the beginning of the 20th century. Houses, businesses, and other public places all used stained glass as part of their design. While stained glass windows from this...


The Stained Glass Restoration Process for Your Salt Lake City Church

Stained glass has always been a significant part of churches and other houses of worship. From showcasing important quotes to beautiful biblical scenes, stained glass has always been a crucial role in the worshipping process for both congregation members and clergy. Just like everything else in life, stained glass begins...


Stained Glass Art Experts for Salt Lake City

Like most historical artworks, stained glass needs to be restored occasionally to combat the inevitable degradation of time. There are two specific ways to restore stained glass and other art pieces and those are--true to the artist’s intent and true to the original technique. Which avenue you choose depends on...


Understanding the Equity of Stained Glass Repair

Just like everything else in life, stained glass will eventually deteriorate. Whether this is age-related or due to some other circumstances like vandalism or severe weather, there are many things that can lead to the need for repairs. When damage occurs in your stained glass, leaving this unaddressed can cause...

stained glass restoration salt lake city

Make Your Commercial Space Stand Out with Historical Stained Glass Restoration in Salt Lake City

Stained glass windows are often looked at as an outdated feature, where in fact they're very valuable. If you're lucky enough to own or rent a commercial property with historic stained glass in Salt Lake City, you have some major advantages against your competition. People are naturally attracted to stained...


Can Stained Glass Windows Be Protected from Hail Damage?

It's understandable that once you have a beautiful stained glass investment that you'll want to protect it. With more and more hailstorms popping up throughout Salt Lake City, hail damage is definitely a common concern. Since stained glass is significantly more delicate than normal glass windows, one of our most...


3 Reasons Not to Wait to Begin Restoring Salt Lake City Stained Glass

When it comes to restoring the stained glass windows in your home, business, or church, one of the most common questions we receive is, "When should I begin the restoration process?" There are numerous indicators that can mean help signify that your stained glass is ready for restoration. In addition...