Beautiful Ways Beveled Glass Can Add Style and Sophistication to Salt Lake City Homes

Beautiful Ways Beveled Glass Can Add Style and Sophistication to Salt Lake City Homes

Residences throughout the Salt Lake City area may experience difficulties finding privacy solutions that also enhance their curb appeal with style and sophistication. Finding ways to obstruct views while maintaining a beautiful decor may seem impossible– luckily, beveled glass delivers beauty and performance. Custom stained glass designs incorporating beveled glass can really elevate your home’s property value as well as aesthetics.

Benefits of Custom Beveled Glass for Your Salt Lake City Home

Beveled glass are unique pieces of glass that have been ground and polished for beveled edges. They inherently have a prismatic effect that produces rainbows whenever the Utah sunshine hits it. Beveled glass is beloved for its simplistic beauty alongside ability to obscure any unwanted views into your Salt Lake City home. Beveled glass typically is used as the focal point of our custom stained glass designs– our clients choose from our vast inventory and decide if they want one or multiple beveled glass pieces featured throughout their custom stained glass windows. Great for all leaded, clear pieces in addition to stained glass panels with pops of color or traditional, colorful features. These highly versatile glass features can be incorporated into any design, providing privacy and class.

Custom Bevel Stained Glass Design Process for Salt Lake City Homes

Designing your custom stained glass is such an exciting process– you get to sit down with one of our stained glass artisans while they hand sketch all your ideas. We’re happy to share our portfolio for inspiration and show you all the different beveled glass options we have available. Once your finalized hand drawn design is finished, we upload it into our state-of-the-art computer-aided design software to ensure the right proportions and coloration.

For more information regarding beveled glass for your Salt Lake City home, please contact us or call: (720) 316-2729

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